Sunday, January 30, 2005

bonding on the couch

Tim and Allison, smothered by dog.

Monday, January 24, 2005

poohsticks bridge!

I went for a walk a while back and took these pictures of the cool-ass bridge spanning our creek. I also, yes, played a game of Poohsticks with myself. The longish, skinny stick won easily over the short stubby bit of bark. As I suspected.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

sunset over plano

January 10th, 2005

halloween in january!

Monday, January 10, 2005

digital cameras are fun to play with AND boost my ego!

Pandora, the roommate's dog. She's a curious, and sometimes annoying, sweetheart of a dog. I shall miss her when I move.

Obligatory artsy picture of something rusty.

Yesterday was sunny. That's almost a San Diego Blue to the sky. Feeling a little homesick, maybe.

Obligatory artsy picture of very tiny leaf on sidewalk. Can you tell I like taking pictures of textures?

i was just hanging out, a trifle bored...

and more than a little introspective, apparently.

The stars on my bedquilt.

Lovers come and go, but I'll always know that Nanuk will be there at night to keep me company. He's soft and he doesn't mind being used as a pillow! The perfect man.

Boo! Obligatory artsy/blurry picture of my right eye.


Monday, January 03, 2005

Bethany, Missouri. :)
postcards from madison

John Nolen Dr at night, looking over Lake Monona at the Capitol.

The Capitol in question. Cloudy and kinda shitty- stock.

The Civic Center under construction.

510 N Henry, the infamous Cat House.

My old neighborhood.

Some things never change- like the clock on Library Mall consistently telling the wrong time. Humanities is the building to the right in the background, where I spent 99.953487 % of my college career.

Icy Lake Mendota.

The shoreline of Lake Mendota, looking toward Warner Park from the Union.

Terrace chairs and tables, hibernating until spring.

For swimmer health...

Science Hall

Abe and Bascom, together forever.

Observatory Dr and the hill near Van Hise.

The lobby of the new Overture Center.

Best Restaurant In The Known Universe.
at the great dane

Jerry, Davis, and Grant. Grant with stubble!

Me, Griffin, and Katie.
new year's festivities

Katie O, Dan B being muppet-like, and Davis being Long Island-ed.

Scary picture of me and Chris.

Why the long face, Jerry? You have Berghoff!

Jenny and Chris and the cell phone romance.

Davis and I, with the rum and cokes.

Charlie, Jerry's roommate from the dorms.

Drunk Davis!

Drunk Lauren!

Drunk Hausback!

Drunk dialing! (This might be when I talked to Adam, who jubiliantly told me he'd just puked in the streets of New York)

Kitties love people who are allergic to them.

Oh, shit.

Wisconsin beer kicks your state's beers's asses.

The end of a marathon evening.

Dan the scarf-headed wonder.

Chris and Mikey at Expresso Royale

Mikey and me.

Chris and the best picture in the world (Brian Balfany).